With the UK about to enter it’s second week of isolation and lockdown and it’s second month of social distancing and widespread viral infections. I came to the conclusion that sitting at home feeling sorry for myself wasn’t an option. Of course home hasn’t been quiet or calm, I have two almost grown up boys living with us!
Postponed shoots
Since the crisis started I’ve been postponing shoots and letting clients know that when it’s all over we can get on with having some fun with their photo sessions. There’s no point in taking any chances with passing anything to each other.
But what to do?
This has of course left me with very little to do in terms of work, I was up to date with my edits and coming out of my relatively quiet season over Winter. I started by looking at some older sessions and thought I’d have a little play on Photoshop, no pressure and no expectations can free the mind creatively.
After a day of trying different things I came across some watercolour brushes and I was off! Trying something new can be frustrating and challenging but ultimately so rewarding. Using my imposed isolation turned out to be extremely useful
A painting or a photograph
Well the answer is that they are both. The original artwork is a photograph but the process isn’t just to stick a load of photoshop filters on and hey presto! It’s more subtle than that, each photograph needs it’s own treatment that is painted on, yes using Photoshop, but more importantly using my eye.

I really hope you like what I’ve done. If you’re an existing client of mine and are interested in seeing this technique on any of your images get in touch (I’m around!).
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home
I’m looking forward to when we can all get out and about again, in the meantime, please follow advice and save our NHS by staying home as much as you can.