What a year this has been. I think we are all ready to say goodbye 2020. Despite it being traumatic for us all, despite not being allowed to work for long periods. It has, for me, still been a good one in terms of progressing my art, organising myself (my accountant will be thanking me in April!), meeting new people and photographing them with their amazing animals.
New Styles
While in lockdown I took the opportunity to expanded my landscape work and do some wildlife photography, I decided to set up a new gallery on my website that features this work and have made it available to buy.
I appreciate all my clients being patient with the ever changing lockdown rules, I extended all my existing voucher’s deadlines so that everybody got the chance to have their shoot and we did manage to make good use of the weather when we were allowed to travel and shoot. Not going abroad meant I did get the opportunity to see a little more of the British countryside and I made sure I took my “Big Camera” (as my husband likes to call it).
We took daily walks in Richmond Park during the first big lockdown early each morning to miss the crowds of people enjoying this very special space later in the day, often returning home before 8am after walking for over 2 hours. During the relaxation in rules we house sat for friends in their beautiful home in the heart of the Peak District. We were also able to take a remote and peaceful trip to Mull where the skies did not disappoint (neither did the dolphins!), and that was it!
I couldn’t visit my family up in Liverpool during Christmas, our two boys who have just started University isolated and got tested before they come home for Christmas and we’ve been locked up tight ever since, so saying goodbye 2020 can’t come quickly enough!
In the grand scheme of things it’s been ok, we are all well, nobody in my immediate family has been sick with Covid however I know many of you have lost loved ones this year, also a lot of you have lost beloved animals, many of whom I have done sessions with.
I feel for all of you, it’s heartbreaking for me when I see that clients are going through the pain of losing their companion, especially in a year when we are all feeling a little more isolated, sometimes your horse, dog or cat can be the one you talk to more than any person, they’re the one who you can still cuddle and they always (as we know) are the best listeners when we’re feeling down.
Looking forward
Saying goodbye 2020 also means saying hello 2021. With all the changes and challenges it will bring. I’m excited and energised about this New Year, I’ve never been more confident about my photography, I am offering more options to my clients and I hope to show these to you in the coming weeks.
I hope you have all had a peaceful Christmas and will have a joyous New Year, the days are getting longer, the nights shorter and that is always something worth celebrating. If you don’t already you can keep up with my work on Social Media though Instagram and on my business page Facebook, or drop me a friend request on Facebook here.
Thank You
Thank you to all my amazing clients who have trusted me to capture them with their companions, although we are all very happy to say goodbye 2020, a year that has been awful in so many ways, I’ve enjoyed every single shoot I’ve done. Every one of you has been a joy to work with, I’m definitely up for making more beautiful photographs with you next year if you are!